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Carpet Cleaning Services, LLC Additional Services

Upholstery cleaning

It can be difficult to keep your sofas, recliners, and dining room chairs clean. No matter how hard we try, dirt, grime, and stains always have a way of appearing on our upholstery. When you want to remove these scuffs and marks, it is always a good idea to go with a professional upholstery cleaning company. Attempting to do the job on your own with household cleaning products could lead to further, and possibly irreversible, damage. For the best upholstery cleaning services in Martinez, look no further than Carpet Cleaning Services, LLC.

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Water damaged carpet

If you are like most homeowners, you may take certain precautions against carpet damage. For example, you might take off your shoes before entering your home, avoid eating or drinking in carpeted rooms, and vacuum regularly. While those things can help keep your carpets looking their best, there are some forces you can’t stop. Floods, sewer backups, and burst pipes don’t give warnings about when they are going to occur. If not immediately dealt with, they can cause a significant amount of damage to your flooring.

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Green Carpet Cleaning

If you have concerns about the environment and environmental sensitivities, then you’re not alone. More and more people in Martinez are making choices in products and services with the environment in mind. If this sounds like you, then you’ve come to the right place! Carpet Cleaning Services, LLC is proud to offer green carpet cleaning services to all of our Martinez customers.

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